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Late Summer: A time for Grounding and Balancing Digestion in TCM

Late Summer: A time for Grounding and Balancing Digestion in TCM

Late summer is a unique and pivotal time in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

As we transition from the vibrant energy of summer to the cooler, reflective period of autumn, late summer is a unique and pivotal time in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This period is often associated with the Earth element, which governs the stomach and spleen, our central organs for digestion. It’s also a time to be mindful of worry and stress, emotions that in TCM are closely linked to the Earth element and the digestive organs. 

Understanding these interconnections between the natural cycles of seasons, elements and our physical and emotional states can help us maintain balance and wellbeing. Let’s make the most of late summer to get grounded and nourish our bodies and minds! 

The Earth Element: Foundation of Stability and Digestion 

In TCM, the Earth element is central to our overall health, serving as the foundation for grounding and stability. The Earth element is closely linked to the stomach and spleen, which play crucial roles in transforming food into qi (vital energy) and blood, nourishing the body and mind. When these organs are in harmony, digestion is efficient and we feel centred and stable. Conversely, a weak spleen and stomach can lead to poor digestion, fatigue and an array of health issues. 

Mental Indigestion = Physical Indigestion! 

Worry, overthinking and stress can take their toll on our health, as we all well know. According to TCM, mental turmoil is particularly linked to the spleen and stomach, and to their meridians (channels) that conduct vital energy through the body.  

Chronic worry, overthinking and stress can impair digestive function, leading to issues such as bloating, gas and irregular bowel movements. Additionally, these emotions can cause stagnation of qi, further exacerbating digestive problems and leading to a vicious cycle of discomfort and anxiety.  

Late summer is a time when we may be particularly prone to mental and physical indigestion – but the good news is it’s also a time when we can tap into the natural dominance of the Earth element to get grounded physically and mentally, releasing stress and improving digestion. Read on for some amazing seasonal tips, from qigong and acupressure to diet and lifestyle! 

Try this simple routine for grounding, releasing stress and balancing digestion!  

Qigong is an amazing tool for getting body and mind in balance. In this 7 minute video, we share some simple exercises that are especially geared to the late summer season, with a focus on grounding, boosting digestion and letting go of excess worry and stress.

Join me in this 7 minutes Qigong exercise video!


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Acupressure for Better Digestion and Stress Relief 

Acupressure is a practical and accessible way to support digestion and calm the mind, reducing worry and stress. (New to self-acupressure? See here for some tips on how to do it!) 


Here are a few key points to improve digestion and relieve stress: 

STOMACH MERIDIAN Leg Three Miles or Zu San Li - ST36 

STOMACH MERIDIAN Leg Three Miles or Zu San Li - ST36 

Located below the knee, between the two bones of the lower leg. About four finger widths below the bottom of the kneecap, on the outer side of each leg.  

​Massaging this point can strengthen digestion, boost energy and relieve fatigue. 

SPLEEN MERIDIAN Three Yin Intersection or San Yin Jiao - SP6 

Caution: Do not use this point if you are pregnant, as it can induce labour! 

SPLEEN MERIDIAN Three Yin Intersection or San Yin Jiao - SP6 

Place your little finger on the highest point of the inner ankle bone of the opposite leg and rest the other fingers on the inside leg above it, to measure four finger widths up from the ankle. Place the thumb of your other hand just above the main knuckle of your index finger, in the groove behind the tibia bone.  

This point is often a little painful to massage – which is a sign you’re on the right spot! One of the most powerful points on the spleen meridian, it harmonizes the spleen and stomach, relieves abdominal bloating and calms the mind. 


CONCEPTION VESSEL (REN MAI) Middle of Upper Abdomen or Zhong Wan - CV12 (REN12) 

CONCEPTION VESSEL (REN MAI) Middle of Upper Abdomen or Zhong Wan - CV12 (REN12)

Located in the centre of the upper abdomen, midway between the belly button and the base of the sternum. The easiest way to find this point is to put your hand flat with the knuckle of your pinkie at your belly button. This point is situated under the knuckle of your thumb. It roughly corresponds to the solar plexus, and is a key point for relieving both physical and emotional indigestion. Stimulating it can improve digestive function, alleviate bloating and reduce anxiety. 


See also our guide to DIY acupressure for stress and anxiety for some more mind-calming points! 


More Practical Tips for Grounding and Balancing Digestion

1. Dietary Adjustments: Embrace the bounty of late summer by incorporating nourishing seasonal foods into your diet. Avoid excessive cold and raw foods, which can burden the digestive system. Instead, opt for warm, cooked meals that are gentle on the stomach.  

Pumpkin, corn and root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes are late summer foods that are easy to digest and support spleen health, their yellow/orange colour literally reflecting the warmth and richness of the Earth element.  

2. Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining digestive health. Drink warm or room-temperature water throughout the day. Herbal teas like ginger and chamomile can soothe the digestive tract and alleviate stress. 

3. Mindful Eating and Routine: Practice mindful eating by slowing down and savouring each bite. Chew food thoroughly to aid digestion and prevent overeating. Eating in a calm, relaxed environment can also reduce stress and improve nutrient absorption. Establishing a regular eating and sleeping schedule supports digestive function and grounding, helping us to navigate this transition between seasons with stability and vitality. 

4. Nature Walks: Spend some time outdoors. If possible, try to walk barefoot on grass or soil – or simply be aware of the contact of your feet with the earth through the soles of your shoes! Connecting with nature can calm the mind and enhance the body's natural rhythms. Gardening is also great for this – and there’s always plenty to do at this time of year! 

5. Yoga, Taichi and Meditation: Besides our qigong routine above, any kind of mindful exercise and meditation are perfect for this season. Practices such as yoga, qigong and taichi incorporate gentle movements and breathing techniques that enhance grounding, improve digestion and reduce stress. Regular meditation and deep breathing exercises can also calm the mind and promote mental clarity. Focus on breathing deeply into the abdomen to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and support digestion. 


Enjoyed this seasonal newsletter? Stay tuned for our autumn special, joining the TCM dots between sadness/depression, the lung meridian and the immune system – with practical tips to boost confidence, fortify your immune system and harmonize with the natural rhythms of the season.  


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