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Powerful Healing Plants You Should Surround Yourself
Summer is here and with it has come sunny skies and warm days. The earth is green and in full bloom, so take advantage of the natural beaut

Summer Blooms: Improve Your Health with Plants and Flowers
Summer is here and with it has come sunny skies and warm days. The earth is green and in full bloom, so take advantage of the natural...

Tips to Relaxing Summer Days
Summer is the season to get outside and enjoy yourself. It's also the time of year where no matter how much you try to avoid it, you st

D.I.Y Meditation: Tips for Beginners
Meditation is an activity that can be easily and quickly performed, helping to improve the rest of the day. Practicing meditation has been k

Quick and Easy Spring Cleaning Tips
In April, everybody's minds are usually on spring cleaning up the house and stressing over when they can find the time to do so with the

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism
We are always saying that we wish our metabolism was faster but what is it really and what role does it play within our bodies? Metabolism

Valentine's Day Self-care Tips
This Valentine's Day, not only should you be thinking of that special someone, but yourself as well! February can easily be a month for

Trapped Intestinal Gas Natural Remedies
Blame it on Hurricane Gonzalo and Typhoon Vongfong if you will but this month we are going to discuss a slightly more sensitive subject: win

Eating Right For A Healthy Life
This month is devoted to eating right and the best ways to reduce nasty cravings. We talk a bit about healthy vs. harmful fats, how coconut

How To Get Smooth Skin
This month, we are focusing on how to get smooth skin, and all that goes into maintaining the largest human organ, skin. Included are natura

Quick and Easy Stress Management Tips
For our April article, we thought we would share some quick and easy stress management tips. These are simple and fast, yet effective pick-m

Spring Cleaning Tips: Reducing Toxins In Your Home
In the spirit of spring cleaning we would like to share some simple steps for a healthier home. Many people are unaware of the questionable

Essential Acupressure Points
This month we thought we would share some of our massage wisdom with you! Here are a few quick acupressure remedies you can do to yourself.

How to Keep up with your New Year Resolutions
Are you one to make resolutions each year? Do you ever have trouble keeping up with your resolutions? According to a studies done by Quirkol

D.I.Y. Gift Ideas
It is that festive time of year again! This no doubt means that many of you are searching for the perfect gifts for your loved ones. If you
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