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DIY Acupressure Massage Therapy 6 of 6: Your Acupressure Guide

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Here's your DIY Acupressure Massage Therapy Guide !

This is the sixth and final in an ongoing series that will help you alleviate various aches and pains with DIY acupressure massage.

Aches and pains can really take us away from our abilities and overall happiness. As requested by many of you, we are currently creating a new area on our website called "Wellbeing at Your Fingertips", which includes a "Pain Relief Acupressure Index" so keep your eyes out for it. We hope you'll feel amazing after using these acupressure points. Remember prevention is just as important, if not more, than curing! Let us know on Social Media what worked for you. We’re here to help you access some relief without having to leave the comforts and safety of your home.

You can now book my "DIY Acupressure massage online tutorial sessions" to alleviate aches and pains.

Click here

Your DIY Acupressure Massage Therapy Guide

Acupressure is an excellent preventative form of medicine, making us stronger so that we can avoid disease and correct imbalances. Over the past 6 months, we have covered many acupressure points that are meant to improve wellness in various aspects of everyday life.

Practitioners of acupressure massage therapy believe that you are filled with a vital life energy force known as chi or qi. This energy flows throughout your entire body between your skin and organs along our meridians. We hope that you have been able to experience the regulation of this chi through the practice of acupressure and that you continue to do so.

As a reminder of the healing you can experience through acupressure massage therapy, here is a review of the acupressure points we have discussed:

Acupressure for:

Massage Therapy To The Rescue!

Acupressure for Headache, Migraine, Neck, and Shoulder Pain

The following are helpful points to stimulate your natural defences. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the following points:



Joining Valley or Hegu - LI4

Located at the highest spot of the muscle when you bring your thumb and index finger together. Relax your fingers and grip this point with the thumb and index finger of your other hand. Apply firm pressure and massage. Clinically used for stress, facial pain, headaches, toothaches, and neck pain.



Middle Island, Central Islet or Zhong zhu - TB3 / TW3 / TE3 Located in the groove between the knuckles of your ring and pinkie finger. Place your thumb on the acupressure point and apply strong pressure for about two minutes. Massaging this point helps temporal headaches, shoulder and neck tension, plus upper back pain. Practice this 2-3 times a day on each hand and you will get faster relief!

GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN Shoulder Well or Jian jing - GB21


Shoulder Well or Jian jing - GB21

Located at the highest spot of muscle when you bring your thumb and index finger together. Relax your fingers and grip this point with the thumb and index finger or simply press down on the point. Apply firm pressure and massage.

Clinically used for stress, facial pain, headaches, toothaches, and neck pain.


GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN Wind Pool or Feng Chi - GB20 Located where the neck muscles attach to the back of the skull by your ear bone. To locate, clasp your hands together with thumbs facing downward and grasp the back of your head. Feel for your ear muscle with each thumb and follow the grooves to where your neck muscles attach to the back of the skull. Apply pressure with your thumbs. Feng Chi acupressure is recommended when you have cold/flu symptoms, overall low energy or fatigue, migraine, or eye blurriness.


Acupressure for Focus, and Concentration

The following are helpful points to stimulate your natural ability to focus and concentrate. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the following points:

EXTRA ACUPRESSURE POINTS (Neither a Meridian nor a Vessel) Third Eye Point, Seal Hall or Yintang - EX2

EXTRA ACUPRESSURE POINTS (Neither a Meridian nor a Vessel) Third Eye Point, Seal Hall or Yintang - EX2 This point is located between your eyebrows where your forehead and nose’s bridge meet, hence the name third eye. Massage this point with one-two fingers for 3-4 minutes. To get the best results, try and do this 2-3 times per day. Aside from increasing your focus and memory, it will also bring a calm and uplifting feeling.

LUNG MERIDIAN Hundred Meeting Point or Bai Hui - GV20

LUNG MERIDIAN Hundred Meeting Point or Bai Hui - GV20

Do you feel like you have a creative block? Place a finger on the top of each ear and run your fingers up the sides of your head until they meet at the top of your head. Apply gentle pressure to this meeting point and massage for 1-2 minutes. This acupressure point brings mental awareness and clarity, by stimulating it you will raise your body’s emotional energies.

GOVERNING VESSEL (DU MAI) Water Through or Ren Zhong - GV26 (DU26)

GOVERNING VESSEL (DU MAI) Water Through or Ren Zhong - GV26 (DU26)

This is the acupressure point to try if you often find yourself daydreaming during work or feel it hard to concentrate because you have distracting thoughts. It is located between your nose and upper lip, about two-thirds of the way up from your upper lip to the point between your nostrils. Press this point firmly for a few minutes to stimulate. It will bring you back into the moment grounding you and promoting concentration. This point also offers relief from dizziness, fainting and cramps. For best results, access this point every day for several weeks.

LUNG MERIDIAN Great Surge / Bigger Rushing or Tai Chong -  LV-3


Great Surge / Bigger Rushing or Tai Chong - LV-3

This point is located right on the top of your foot in the indentation between your second and big toe. If you are battling concentration issues, stop what you are doing and apply pressure to this point for a quick turnaround of increased focus. Press this point every day for 2-3 minutes to boost your energy, motivation and clarity of thought.

CONCEPTION VESSEL (REN MAI) Sea of Tranquility, Chest Centre  or Shan Zhong - CV17 (REN17)

CONCEPTION VESSEL (REN MAI) Sea of Tranquility, Chest Centre or Shan Zhong - CV17 (REN17)

Sea of Tranquility CV-17: With brain fog and the inability to focus can also come related struggles of anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and/or depression. All are perfect examples of emotional imbalances that negatively affect your ability to concentrate and be productive. Stimulate this point located on your breastbone’s centre, about three thumbs width above the bone’s base where you will feel an indentation. Your clarity of thought, memory, and focus should all improve with continued stimulation.


Acupressure for Numbness in the Arm, Hands and Fingertips

The following are helpful points to alleviate numbness and tingling in your upper limbs. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the following points:

PERICARDIUM MERIDIAN Inner Gate / Inner Pass  or Nei Guan - PC6


Inner Gate / Inner Pass

or Nei Guan - PC6

Measure two thumbs widths up your inner arm from your wrist crease. Press down firmly for a few minutes to start experiencing relief from numbness and tingling in your wrist, hand, and/or fingers.

Repeat on your other arm. For best results, continue activating this point for three minutes, three times a day.



Outer Gate / Outer Pass or Waiguan - TB5 (TE5 / TW5) Measure three fingers width up from your wrist crease on the back of your hand. Using your thumb and forefinger, press this point in the middle of your arm for two to three minutes. Repeat on your other arm. This point as well as giving relief to numbness in the hands and fingers also alleviates pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, elbow.

Note: as per the PC6 Picture You can press PC6 & TB5 at the same time

- Locate PC6 with your thumb. - Put your thumb on PC6 - Locate on the other side TB5 and put your middle finger on it. - Apply pressure

LUNG MERIDIAN  Broquen Sequence or Lieque - LU7

LUNG MERIDIAN Broquen Sequence or Lieque - LU7

Lung 7 (LU-7) Broken Sequence: Find the depression in the wrist at the base of your thumb, then move two finger widths up your arm. Also repeat on your other wrist. This point strengthens the lungs, treating early symptoms of cold, flu, fever, chills, and sore throat. It also amps up the body’s resistance against seasonal bugs and viruses.


Acupressure for Anxiety, Stress and Depression

The following are helpful points to decrease stress, calm the mind and assist in lowering depression. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the following points:

EXTRA ACUPRESSURE POINTS  (Neither a Meridian nor a Vessel) Third Eye Point - Seal Hall or Yintang - EX2

EXTRA ACUPRESSURE POINTS (Neither a Meridian nor a Vessel) Third Eye Point - Seal Hall or Yintang - EX2 This point is located in the centre of your forehead between your eyebrows. Sit back in a comfortable position and close your eyes. With either your thumb or index finger, apply gentle pressure in a circular motion. Stimulate this point as needed. This point is also great to boost your energy levels, improve clarity of thought and motivation, and helps to keep a focused mind.

GOVERNING VESSEL (DU MAI) One Hundred Meeting Point  or Bai Hui - GV20 (DU20)


One Hundred Meeting Point

or Bai Hui - GV20 (DU20)

Governor Vessel (DU20): Find this point by locating the exact centre on the top of your head. Gently massage this point, working your way up to longer massages. This acupressure point also helps to alleviate dizziness, headache, and clenched jaw. It improves focus and concentration.

EAR ACUPOINT Heavenly Gate Point or Shen Men


Heavenly Gate Point or Shen Men

Find the top cartilages of your ear and then slide your finger down into the triangle-like hollow just below. The tip of that hollow is your heavenly gate point. Apply firm but gentle pressure in a circular motion for about two minutes.


GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN Shoulder Well Point or Jian jing - GB21

This point is located in each shoulder muscle on either side of your neck. To find it, pinch your shoulder muscle with your middle finger and thumb. Apply gently, firm pressure before releasing the pinch and massaging the point.

*Do not use this point if you are pregnant, as it can induce labour.

LUNG MERIDIAN Great Abyss or Tai yuan - LU9

LUNG MERIDIAN Great Abyss or Tai yuan - LU9

Turn your hand palm up and slightly spread your fingers. At the side of the wrist nearest the thumb, you should see a slight indent near the edge of the wrist. Gently massage this point in a slow, circular motion for about a minute before repeating on the other wrist. Stimulating this point helps to relieve some physical signs of anxiety such as heart palpitations.


Acupressure to Improve a Weakened Immune System

The following are helpful points to support and boost your immune System. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the following points:

KIDNEY MERIDIAN Shu Mansion or Shu Fu - KI27

KIDNEY MERIDIAN Shu Mansion or Shu Fu - KI27

Kidney 27 (KI-27) Shu Mansion: Located on the chest, about one inch from the midline on the lower border of the collarbone, on each side. Strengthens the respiratory system and is especially good for people prone to upper respiratory infections. Opens the chest to relieve congestion, breathing difficulties, asthma, and cough.

LUNG MERIDIAN  Broquen Sequence or Lieque - LU7

LUNG MERIDIAN Broquen Sequence or Lieque - LU7

Lung 7 (LU-7) Broken Sequence: Find the depression in the wrist at the base of your thumb, then move two finger widths up your arm. Also repeat on your other wrist. This point strengthens the lungs, treating early symptoms of cold, flu, fever, chills, and sore throat. It also amps up the body’s resistance against seasonal bugs and viruses.



Ren 6- Sea of Qi: Located two finger widths below the naval. This point revitalizes the immune system and maintains overall good health.

STOMACH MERIDIAN  Leg Three Mile / Three Miles of the Foot or  Zu San Li - ST36

STOMACH MERIDIAN Leg Three Mile / Three Miles of the Foot or Zu San Li - ST36

Stomach 36 (ST-36) Leg Three Mile: Located on the shin, about a hand length below the kneecap and just outside the tibia bone. Perform on both shins.

STOMACH MERIDIAN  Leg Three Mile / Three Miles of the Foot or  Zu San Li - ST36

If this point is pressed firmly enough, it produces a strong sensation that travels down the leg.

This point strengthens the immune system and energizes the body. Helps the body to recover from fatigue.


Acupressure as a Habit

2021 is a fresh new year. If you are strategic in your goal setting, it is more than possible to create lifestyle habits that are lasting. Acupressure massage therapy is holistic and beneficial for every part of your body and mind, a perfect addition to a healthy life. The following are tips to help form new lasting habits.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to achieve an unrealistic amount of goals. Focus on the main few goals that you would like to achieve. Only focusing on one thing at a time is not a negative. In fact, your willpower might very well thank you.

Outline all the details of the habit you want to form. What is it? What do you need to learn? Become an expert as much as you can!

Commit! A new habit doesn’t form overnight. You need to be committed to continuously trying, even if you fail at first. Everyone will vary how long it takes for a habit to truly set in, but a good rule of thumb is to give it a minimum of a month.

Tie your new habit to an old one. This is a good way to hold yourself responsible. For example, if you would ideally like to practice acupressure massage in the morning, set aside this time every day after you brush your teeth. You already have a habit of brushing your teeth and now this new habit is anchored to it.

Start small. This is new and you don’t really know how you will feel once you’re no longer “in the mood.” Maybe you only practice your acupressure 3 or 4 times a week to start. Once you start building that routine, you can build it up.

Make backup plans. You’ll start seeing that you have excuses for not being able to practice. Time will get short, some exercises might be painful, results will not be immediate. Take hold of these excuses and have a backup plan. For example, you are running late in the morning to take the time to relax and stimulate your planned acupoints, so instead practice during your lunch break.

Reward yourself. Once you start getting into the groove of your habit and feel that you are performing well and sticking to your goals, reward yourself. The best part is this can be anything that makes sense for you! It can also be used as a goal right from the start of this process.



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